NOTES: 1. Adding a General introduction is good because it helps readers know your initial thoughts.. It also make the comment look better. 2. Change the X in "id=X" to the recommendation of your choice. 0 = It's Dire, 1 = It's Bad, 2 = It's Okay, 3 = It's Good, 4 = it's Great, 5 = It's WOW! 3. Don't forget to add an overall recommendation. The system DOES NOT do this automatically. 4. A summary is optional. If you want to format your review, you can use the following HTML: HEADER:
BOLD: TEXT HERE ITALIC: TEXT HERE SPOILER: TEXT HERE -------------------------------------------- General Introduction text here.
Unlikely Friends by Attack Slug
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Breakthrough by HighFire
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Citadel Core Meltdown Evacuation Protocol by shoes
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
The Temple by Klems
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Metaphor by Dolmo
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Rambo Male_07 by Niker107 & Matt71490 AKA Event Horizon & ThatsRidonkulous
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
The Insane Doctor Crossbow by CertifiablyInsane
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Phoenix Contact by Ildarion
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Interrupted Infiltration by Lassi
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Identity Death by Layla
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Adoorable by Ada G//Adakam
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Mind the gap by Melomaniac
[recimage id=x] Playtime: xx minutes
Optional Summary Text Here.